Monday, January 14, 2013

Calendar Organization Idea

I finally got a desk calendar, so I can do this post. I love desk calendars! They're nice and big and you can see them from a distance if you hang them on the wall.

What I do to help myself actually see what i have going on during the month is use Post-it notes. I use the 2"X2" size so they fit into the blocks easily.

I write on them whatever I need to know for that day and stick it on my calendar.
You can even color code them... use blue for bills due, pink for appointments, yellow for a work schedule, etc.

When adding my bills to the calendar, I don't write the amount. This way, I can move that sticky note to the next month and use it again. Once you've gone to an appointment or paid a bill, you can either throw the sticky note away or move it somewhere else. Once the month is over, your calendar is still clean and if there are no notes left, you know you have done all you were supposed to do.

And that's today's quick post. Back to school work, ugh!

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