Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Africa's Rift Valley Unit Study

I haven't posted much on homeschooling, if anything, and I saw a picture from the Rift Valley in Africa yesterday that blew me away. I'll admit that I had never heard of Africa's Rift Valley. I decided to put together a small unit study for my kids and found some great resources!

I found some websites I'll have my kids visit:

Exploring the Environment- if you play around with this site, there are numerous resources, including modules and teacher resources.

National Geographic


There were also numerous videos:

Great Rift Valley ~ Africa - YouTube

Life Force: Africa's Rift Valley - YouTube

Mutant Planet: African Rift Valley Lakes : Videos : Science Channel- This is an episode, I don't know how long it will be available. You can also watch it on Amazon if you have Prime membership.

Geography Lesson: East African Rift Valley - YouTube

Other resources:

How The World Goes Round: The Great African Rift Valley A2 Unit Four Case Study - blog

Geolor's Earth Science Issues

I think my kids will have fun with this!!


  1. We will definitely be doing this lesson, great idea and very interesting. I would love for you to check out my blog about homeschooling activities etc!
    Good thoughts, Karen

  2. Thanks! I thought it was really cool. I'll definitely be checking out your blog:)
