
Friday, July 24, 2015

Fly on the Wall- July 2015

Welcome to a Fly on the Wall group post. Today 13 bloggers are inviting you to catch a glimpse of what you’d see if you were a fly on the wall in our homes. Come on in and buzz around my house.

Buzz around, see what you think, then click on these links for a peek into some other homes:

My lily finally flowered! This means that it's probably safe for me to dig up and pot the others that I have. I have too many for pots, but I plan to give the rest away. Simplicity is what I need right now. With heat indexes in the triple digits, I don't need to be weeding out flower beds.

It doesn't seem as bright this year as it was last year, but it's still brighter than the regular orange day lilies I have on the side of the house.

Bob and I have been accumulating a bunch of stuff around here. No, the front yard wasn't covered in cars, but the back yard was looking really messy. We decided to haul off all of the stuff that had metal in it that we could. I swear the man played too much Tetris as a kid. Let's just say that he was determined that we were taking it all to the recycling center in one trip.

Yes, that's a go-cart upside-down on top of everything else. He strapped it all down really good and we took off. It's about a 6 mile or so drive, but we made it without mishap. It was kind of scary and everyone was passing us as quickly as possible on the highway, but I really couldn't blame them.

The kids thought it was really cool when they used a claw to empty out that trailer. On the back of the trailer was a washer, dryer, and dishwasher. The guy got all three at once with that claw. That was pretty cool. 

Last month I mentioned going library hopping and checking out 29 books. I'm happy to report that I made it though 24 of them, and a week later checked out another 23 from a different library.

A few months ago I made a list of the series books I had been reading and decided to try to finish them before going into new ones. It didn't work out as planned as I've been adding to the list and it's now up to 30+ pages in Word. However, I can say that making that list is helping me figure out my lists for the library and I am catching up on the series I had started as well as starting new ones.

Clone of Bob got his permit and I have to say that he's really not a bad driver. He's a little nervous, which is understandable, and he goes the speed limit, which is smart. He did good with his driver's ed teacher and he's been with me a couple of times and hasn't scared me yet. 


  1. good job on all those books! Keep going and don't give up. oh what a beautiful lily. Congrats Clone of is scary when you start driving.

    1. Oh, I'm enjoying all the reading. Before I started college, I was averaging around 180 books a year. Sadly, once I started college, that number dropped dramatically.

  2. Maybe you should have kept some of that backyard metal for Clone of Bob's first car?
    I wrote a post about all the things that happened to my youngest when he got his Learner's Permit. I dare say that now would not be the time for you to read it.
    On a good note, your Day Lilly is gorgeous.

    1. I'll wait a few months to read that post, lol! Thankfully, we drive an older SUV. We don't go out a lot because it's a gas guzzler, and if he can drive that, he can drive anything.

  3. Wow! That's a lot of books!
    I absolutely love it!! Wonderful goal to have!

    1. I just need to stop adding books to the list, or I'll never get through it, lol!

  4. All three with one claw trip? Awesomeness.
    Love the idea of a list for series books. Think I am going to try that.

  5. The lily was gorgeous. Can't believe you stacked all that in the trailer. How in the worl did you read so many books? What type of books do you like to read?

  6. You need to list your reading books on your blog. I'm always looking for new book suggestions. You are as voracious of a reader as they come!
    Your Lilies are beautiful. Ours burned in the heat pretty quickly this year :(

  7. LOVE the flowers and uh...upside down go cart?

    1. Yeah, I was shocked he attempted that. And a little embarrassed, to be truthful.

  8. Wish I'd been there to see the big haul off. Looks like what we did when moving from our old house a year ago. How do we accumulate so much stuff? I'd have enjoyed the claw too. Love your lily pic. I've never transplanted any before. Good luck with that.

  9. Dang, woman! I can't even finish the ONE book I'm reading right now. I just can't concentrate. Then there you are, checking out more books!
